Interesting Facts About 5G You Need to Know
1. According to researchers, about 1.5 billion people will have access to 5G by 2024.
It may not seem like it at present, however, 5G will cover about 40% of the world.
2. Gartner predicts that 5G investment will likely surpass LTE/4G in 2022.
Not surprising that the increased adoption will bring increased revenues to the major players in this roll-out.
3. Experts believe 5G is more than a speed boost. It is being referred to as the foundational tech that’ll rev up the adoption of technologies like virtual and augmented reality.
It doesn’t end at that. This will most likely have an impact on tech domains like artificial intelligence and machine learning and lead to widespread adoption of technologies like self-driving cars and smart homes, as well as telehealth services like remote surgery.
4.. One of the business-side benefits of shifting to 5G is its ability to inspire “Industry 4.0” – the fourth industrial revolution.
This term typically refers to industries that have integrated wireless technology in their machinery and equipment. Making use of artificial intelligence along with 5G and IoT, the goal is for the factory to monitor and modify safety, efficiency, and any other requirements.
5. Disney and Verizon, two big shots, announced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) earlier this year their 5G-based partnership for product innovation.
What happens when technology meets art? Magic. Hollywood isn’t very far behind when it comes to 5G adoption. From a production viewpoint, 5G will sanction cloud-based production workflows to back high-quality content creation.
6. According to Intel’s 2018 report, 5G mobile gaming revenue by 2028 is expected to reach $100B.
Virtual and Augmented Reality, immersive content, cloud gaming are platforms that are most likely to gain from a more rapid and responsive interface.
7. According to Economists, of all the living generations, millennials will have the largest buying power for 5G by 2021.
If you’re a millennial, prepare to be marketed heavily too: you are the prime segment for 5G products and services.
8. With 5G, gamers will be able to experience augmented reality using their own smartphones wherever they are, without having to use additional devices.
Mainstream retailers including Walmart for instance, have already joined forces with Lego and tech supplier ‘Seek’ to bring Lego sets to life, allowing them to battle and interact right on the store’s floor. 5G will only accelerate and improve these experiences.
9. The big fours — AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon — have already launched mobile 5G in some of the metro areas of the States. For instance, by July, Sprint had deployed mobile 5G in parts of Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and Kansas City, Missouri.
According to an article by Townsend published on Forbes, deployment of all networks will continue throughout the remainder of 2019 and 2020.
Very informative